The Importance of Morning Routines: How Routines Boost Mental Health

You will hear many experts and successful people say they cannot stress enough how important their morning routine and waking up early is to their success. But does it really matter if you just roll out of bed, scramble as fast as you can to find something to wear in an unorganized pile of unfolded laundry, make a coffee to go, feed the dog, and run out the door?
The fewer decisions you have to make, the less stressed you’ll be. Most actions what you eat, your bathroom ritual can stay the same every day. Everything else should be planned ahead of time. Lay out your outfit the night before, and load everything you’ll need into your work bag. These tips will make waking up in the morning a lot easier.
Even before you open your eyes, stretch your body to increase blood flow and send oxygen to your tissues. Start with your fingers, hands, wrists, and arm, and then move on to your toes, feet, ankles, and legs. By the time you finish with your neck and back, you’ll be ready to jump out of bed. These are energizing morning stretches you can even do in your bed.
A 30-minute workout will flood you with mood-boosting endorphins that will last most of the day. Plus, scheduling your exercise for first thing in the morning will make you more likely to stick with your workout program, studies have shown, probably because your schedule won’t have the chance to clog up with excuses. Try hopping on the treadmill, doing yoga, or turning on a workout video you enjoy. Don't miss these morning habits of naturally thin people.
For the mornings you hit snooze too many times or get sidetracked when you’re getting ready, an already-picked-out outfit will get you dressed effortlessly. Store an outfit, complete with socks and jewelry, on a hanger so you can throw it on and dash out the door.
Every night, your body goes through a fast while you’re asleep, leaving you dehydrated when you wake up. Drink eight ounces of water as soon as you’re up to hydrate.
Start your day on a positive note by reading a motivational quote to guide your thoughts away from negativity. Alternatively, a positive mantra can be meditative, or a poem could help you get focused.
At night, your creative juices flow. Taking five to ten minutes in the morning to think or listen to music can help you shape those imaginative thoughts into realistic plans.
The average shower lasts about 12 minutes - a big chunk of time when you’re trying to rush in and out. If you don’t like showering at night, use two-in-one products like conditioning shampoo. To save even more time, don’t scrub your whole body. Use soap for your underarms and groins, and just let the rest get rinsed off. Here are some good reasons you can shower less often.
Antoni Bialy