Being Steven Lyon

You’ve been a successful model, actor, and photographer. What has been the most fulfilling and why and what’s next for you?
Well I had a very successful modeling career for over a decade. Then I took 2 years off to work as an actor in LA . I loved it and had some success in theatre and films . But when a writers strike hit hollywood I took off for Paris again and ended up staying another 10 years . I went back
to paris 5 years later to pursue photography . This time I stayed over 15 years…. I love Paris. My second home.
All have been very gratifying in there own way. And now I’m doing all three once again. Only now I’ve added writer / director to my resume. As you know im directing a documentary in Africa called “Something that Matters” Its about he horrific crisis with the rhino poaching.
I waked 1000k across africa in the bush with a film crew. Took over three months . Lost 35lb ! Hit the gym immediately when I got home!
Being one of the original male supermodels how do you feel about the change in the industry because of technology. Social media advertising etc. Fom a models and photographers perspective?
HAHA Whats a male super model? I know at least 5 guys claiming that. Lets just say in the great est era of the 80s and 90s i did very well. Had a fucking great time .Great friends and great money. No complaints .
Oh … and the women were great to.
Who are you me biggest photographer inspirations?
Well that’s easy. Helmut Newton, peter Lindbergh , Herd Ritz and Sante d'razio. I love Paulo Rovers and Jaques Olivier as well.
What was your favorite job as a model. Campaign etc?
Well there are many that I loved doing . Versaci was always a cool gig and shooting with Paolo rovers for Montana and Cirutti a few times was epic . But I must say shooting the Nikos underwear campain in chicago with Victor Skrebneski and Man was awesome, We always shot NAKED...
Having having a modeling career expanding 4 decades into today. What was your favorite era.
Well the industry recognizes the 80s as the hay day. It was . It was glamour , parties , money . big travel budgets .
I think thats why ive taken so many clients to third world countries to shoot. When I started photography I wanted those trips. So I've done them. Usually cost me a lot of cash. Clients today and most people in fashion don’t want to get on a plane.
Hence all this shit editorial you see in the studio looking like catalog. The industry had exepted .. GOOD photography . They don’t need or want or even know what great photography is anymore. Don't get me wrong there are amazing shooter young and old. You just don't see many of them shooting for Vogue.
As a model you were always known for your body and fitness and still are today. What types of fitness regimes do you and did you follow. You had a teen bodybuilding background?
Man Ive been a gym rat since the late 70s . Always eating clean and the last 3 years I've adopted a vegan diet. Im still and old school lifter and I've never really dieted . Maybe Id cut a few things two weeks out form a important body job.
I have a way of eating that keeps me lean. Its just what I do.
30 min cardio on stair master .
one hour of weights .
6 day split routine.
If I miss or have Cheesecake I don’t sweat it. Fitness is a life style decision. I made that decision 30 years ago. haha 30 years... fuck!
Your brother was also a top model working with the likes of Versace in the golden era. Who got who into the business?
Yes he was . His name was David. 3 years older.
I guess I started him, I was a model many years before he started. 1989 I was in milano shooting Versaci and my agent called me and asked if I had a brother. I said yes… he said well he is at the airport.
I said fuck! Send a car and bring him to me ! David arrived at the studio and Gianni loved him and straight away put him in the campaign with me! So cool.
Needless to say the next day he had agencies all over Europe. For over 6 months I took him everywhere with me , Since he died of HIV, not so many years later. This time we shared is priceless.
(Can expand into his untimely death of you want.. up to you).
Words of wisdom to having the longevity in the business you’ve had?
Don't be a dick. People like to work with people that make their job easy.
By Matthew Felker