self-portraits - The Boca Raton Museum of Art

The Boca Raton Museum of Art Launches New Online Community Initiatives for Audiences Staying at Home, with the New Exhibition “Eye to I: Self Portraits from the National Portrait Gallery.”
Eye to I: Self Portraits from the National Portrait Gallery" at the Boca Raton Museum of Art that is now offered online for audiences at home.
(Pictured above is the artwork by Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons, Untitled, from the series When I am not Here, Estoy alla. The artist used her own body to map out feelings of translocation from place to place. The bilingual title is in half-Spanish and means When I am not Here, I am There. She stands with her eyes closed, as though transported between territories while holding on to her Afro-Caribbean talismans. © María M. Campos-Pons. Dye diffusion transfer print (1996). National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. Gift of Julia P. and Horacio Herzberg.)
“Being creative has not been canceled. Art, culture, and creativity have always made a difference in powerful ways, especially during challenging times." says Irvin Lippman, the Executive Director of the Boca Raton Museum of Art.
“Art, culture, and creativity have always made a difference in powerful ways, especially during challenging times.”
“While the Museum is temporarily closed, we will continue to give back to the community."
"These artists in Eye to I made a lasting mirror effect of themselves, creating a very personal art that engages us – the viewer.” adds Lippman.
The Museum’s website will provide links to new ongoing activities here, including live interactive streaming and tips for parents that will be created daily on the Boca Raton Museum of Art's Facebook page and Instagram (#BocaMuseumatHome, #museumfromhome, and #BocaMuseumfromHome).
At a time when millions of selfies are posted every day and identity is proving to be more fluid, this exhibition from the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery shines a new light on self-portraiture and representation.
The term self-conscious takes on a whole new meaning in today’s social media era.