Smart drink

We know we have to drink water in order to stay hydrated, energized and keep our skin glowing and young. We know water is 70% of our body, but we keep forgetting to drink.
The Hidrate Spark water bottle is a great and smart friend to help us remember. It stores data (up to 2 days) on how much water you’re drinking and relays it via Bluetooth to the Hidrate app (iOS or Android). If you’ve gone a while without drinking, the bottle glows to remind you to take a sip and sends slightly guilt-inducing push notifications to your phone. You can also manually add any glass of water you drink, if you’re out and not using your bottle, to make sure your data is accurate.
The app tracks your location, no need to recharge the Hidrate Spark thanks to the long-lasting battery built in. It is beautifully designed and available in an array of frosted colors,
Hidrate Spark water bottle - $54.95 USD