Exclusive Interview - model Leonel Segall

What do you do in order to stay energetic and happy during the quarantine?
I think about returning to normal daily life, I take advantage of free time to think about new artistic concepts and projects.
Can you think of anything that might work positively during the period we stay home?
Of course, finishing pending or projects that we could not do due to lack of time, doing online courses, etc ...
How do you work out at home? Routine, videos, face time with your trainer?
I do 100% functional exercises. I work with the weight of my body and in a more dynamic way than I am getting used to in the GYM.
Staying home can make us eat more than usual. Any tips to avoid gaining weight?
Hydrating well is a good way to calm anxiety. Eating foods high in protein helps not to gain too much weight, since if they train, that protein eliminates itself from the body.
Favorite uplifting movies, series or music?
Movies: Diamond in the rough. Favorite series: Game Of thrones. Favorite Music: Coldplay.
What do you do to stay connected with others?
I constantly use social networks to be in contact with friends, family and work.
How do you dream of the first day after quarantine, what will be the first thing you will do ?
Running to hug family and friends, something that quarantine has taught us throughout this process.
Reading the Modus Vivendi values which one appeals to you? https://e-modusvivendi.com/about-us/
The first one: all in moderation, to live in balance
What’s your life moto?
Who or what inspires you?
The people who act following them hearts.
Are you currently seeing someone? What do you value in a partner?
Yes, I am. The indispensable value that a person must have is honesty and loyalty.