roy fire

Interview: model Efthimis Chatziapostolou

roy fire
Interview: model Efthimis Chatziapostolou

What would you choose if you could choose a different career?

I am a personal trainer and this is what I always dreamed of. To study and learn about the way one can build a healthy body and then teach this to others. Modeling is a part time hobby and a way to challenge myself and others around me.

What’s your super power?

Not a super hero here lol … loyalty and passion for each goal is the secret power I believe in.

Any dietary tip?

Not any particular nutritional advice to share, apart from the commons: drinking a lot of water and not consuming too much sugar and alcohol.

What do you do for fun?

I cannot call myself a party animal, but I do enjoy a lot spending time with my friends starting with an early drink and stay outside all night long having fun in a club sometimes.

Favorite place to travel? 

I am not much fond of the winter holidays; mostly prefer adventures near a beach.

Do you enjoy shopping and do you shop online or on brick stores?

I really like following fashion trends, but my way. I buy more and more online. I choose buying from brick stores only randomly and mostly when go out for coffee and something catches my eye.

Are you on any dating app?

I do prefer meeting people face to face, but honestly talking, many times I do check the social media profiles of who I meet. 

Are you currently in a relationship?

I am single and open to private messages lol.