Tal peer

Exclusive Interview - model Constantinos Joseph Kyriakides

Tal peer
Exclusive Interview - model Constantinos Joseph Kyriakides

Wearing Modus Vivendi how it makes you feel?

Wearing modus vivendi makes me feel very sexy with a character.

Any dietary tip? What’s your eating habits?

My diet is based in low carb and high protein and lots of salads.

Favorite place to travel.

My favorite place to travel is Greek islands.

Do you shop online or on brick stores?

I prefer to buy my clothes in the stores but if I know my sizes and trust the quality of the brand online will be a heaven.

Any skin care tip?

I don’t use any products for my skin. Hahaha. I am pure.

What do you do for fun? Stay home, dinner with friends? Parties and clubs?

It depends from my mood definitely spending time with my good friends are more fun.

What’s your favorite tv series or movie?

My favorite series was game of throne.

Any causes you support?

No, I don’t support any but I do help in person when I see a homeless person in the street either buying them food or give some money to them.

What’s your super power?

My super is my personality.