Exclusive Interview - model Darién Theller

What do you do in order to stay energetic and happy during the quarantine?
I stay positive, I meditate and do weights in my apartment. I don't look at the news and try to think that soon this is going to end.
Can you think of anything that might work positively during the period we stay home?
I think meditating every day helps us a lot. Since we can't get out... let's go in ours.
How do you work out at home? Routine, videos, face time with your trainer?
I trained 15 years ago and took myself. Although sometimes it costs I try to get a daily routine. I love weights so as soon as this started I bought bars and dumbbells. I love training hard.
Staying home can make us eat more than usual. Any tips to avoid gaining weight?
What I recommend always and more right now is intermittent fasting. Tip: Do not consume any sugar or flour or carbonated drinks. Dieting hyper protein food with good fats.
What do you do to stay connected with others?
More than ever I use whatsaap, Facebook (which there I have my closest beings like my family) and Instagram that s my favorite social network
What would you choose if you could choose a different carrier?
Psychology, for sure.
Any skin care tip?
Good hydration and good nutrition.
Any causes you support?
I collaborate with a NGO that fights for LGBTIQ rights and support patients with HIV.
How do you feel when riding a motorbike?
I think it is the best way to feel the freedom.
Do you love animals?
I love them as much as I can.
What’s your super power?
Hummm… it could be that I am very analytic.
How do you dream of the first day after quarantine, what will be the first thing you will do?
Definitely the first thing I'm going to do is go to my gym and hit it hard! Haha