Exclusive Interview - model Marcel Gonzalez

Exclusive Interview - model Marcel Gonzalez
Wearing Modus Vivendi how it makes you feel?
It feels very comfortable, clean and sexy. I love the designs and how they adapt to my body.
Any dietary tip? What’s your eating habits?
My tip is eating lot of carbs and proteins.
How do you feel when doing Muay Thai?
This is what I really love. It feels like it's where I'm supposed to be, enjoying what's mine, where I belong.
Have you changed your daily habits to support the environment?
I've changed the small things that I do everyday. I believe that it's the small things that matter, reduce the use of plastic, recycle and be nicer with the planet.
Are you currently in a relationship? What do you value in a partner?
No. I had one until recently but it ended because of the distance. She wanted to have a long distance relationship but I didn't believe it was right for both of us. I value to have a relationship where I don't feel like I'm trapped in. I value respect, honesty and attention. I'm a very attentive so I expect my partner to be the same.
Favorite place to travel
I would love to visit Thailand. It sums up two of my passions, beach and Muay Thai.
Do you shop online or on brick stores?
I shop online a lot. A lot of clothes and sneakers.
Any skin care tip?
Lots of hydration.
What do you do for fun? Stay home, dinner with friends? Parties and clubs?
Exercising is what I do in my free time, either outside in nature or training and fighting.
What’s your favorite tv series or movie?
Straight Outta Compton and The Walking Dead.
Any causes you support?
Fight against bullying. It's on my Instagram profile (#todoscontraelbullying means #everyoneagainstbullying). It's a personal fight; I suffered it when I was young. I was the only black guy in my school, so I suffered discrimination and intimidation until my teenage years. In my case, all those experiences made strong but I don't think a child has to suffer any kind of discrimination.
Are you on any dating app?
Is Instagram a dating app?
What’s your super power?
The power to fight for what I consider injustice.