Tal peer

Exclusive Interview - model Ricardo Lorenzo

Tal peer
Exclusive Interview - model Ricardo Lorenzo
Ricardo Lorenzo.jpg

Exclusive Interview - model Ricardo Lorenzo

 Any dietary tip? What’s your eating habits?

I don't do strict diet, but I'm very concerned with eating only real food. Not eating outside and no junk food.

What would you choose if you could choose a different career?

Physiotherapist or Dietitian. I love how the human body works and teaching people how to eat correctly.

How do you feel when doing acrobatics?

I feel free. It's what I love most. I've been doing it for ten years now and I've been learning almost unintentionally. Instead of studying I used to meet with my friends and spend the days doing acrobatics not knowing that one day I was going to be a professional.  

Have you changed your daily habits to support the environment?

Separate recycling. Using no plastic: reusable bottles instead of buying water bottles, reuse bags...

Are you currently in a relationship? What do you value in a partner?

I've been single for quite a time now. I value freedom and that each of us love ourselves in order to love each other.

Favorite place to travel

Australia. I've got my sister living there and I would love to visit her.

What do you do for fun? Stay home, dinner with friends? Parties and clubs?

I love hanging out with my friends but not to parties but to the beach or to training.

What’s your favorite tv series or movie?

Pulp Fiction and Game Of Thrones.

Any causes you support?

Gender equality and women's empowerment.

Are you on any dating app?

When I travel I use Tinder sometimes.

What’s your super power?

I can jump over a person.